Cell Phone Call Interception Software Suite

Video of a Live cell phone call interception, live cellphone call interception, live mobile phone call interception, live GSM call interception, live GSM int. FlexiSPY’s software suite offers more in-depth monitoring and reporting than just about any other provider out there. In addition to many standard features like reading sent and received texts, their app allows you to enable call recording, call interception, and you can even enable the microphone when it’s not in use allowing you to record what’s going on around the phone whenever you like.


Why You Need to Spy on live Phone Calls

Mobile phones have completely changed the way we communicate. While this modern convenience has sped up the exchange of information, it’s also made it easier to conceal things. Don’t get left out of important and private discussions that could have an impact on you. With handy instant listening, you’ll have the freedom to spy on phone calls without anyone knowing. Our call intercepting software makes sure that you’re never left exposed.

Benefits for Parents

Cell Phone Call Interception Software Suite Free

Mobile devices are great for your child’s development. Not only are they an excellent tool for learning, they also help your child to stay connected with their friends, no matter where they are. Most importantly, mobile phones give parents the ability to reach children easily, providing them with much needed peace of mind when for example their child goes for a sleepover at a friend’s place.

Unfortunately, you can’t always control who gets hold of your child’s phone number and how this information is used. In the wrong hands, your child’s phone can be used to harm them. If you don’t want your child to be the victim of stalking, bullying or inappropriate phone calls, our call intercept software is what you need. With FlexiSPY, you can spy on phone calls coming into and going out from your child’s mobile device and listen to the conversations as they happen so you can take immediate action to ensure your children’s safety.

Benefits for Employers

Are you considering buying your work staff mobile devices? One key consideration before you do will be how you can go about ensuring that these devices will indeed be used for work-related purposes. As much as you trust your workers to use their phones responsibly, you'll always have a few employees who you may need to check up on.

This feature can also have great benefits in the sales sector. For example, you may want to coach a sales rep on how to be more successful by listening in on live sales calls. Because it's so easy to set up, our phone call spying software is an ideal and affordable solution to secretly track and listen to phone calls on your company smartphones as they happen. With FlexiSPY, you can have the assurance that your team use their devices strictly for work, as well as be informed if any calls pose any risk to your company’s sensitive data.

Benefits for Individuals

Our Call Intercept feature can be useful for personal use too. It’s an effective solution when you need to have someone listen in on a phone call between you and another person.

Cell Phone Call Interception Software Suite

Say for example, a scenario where you may need coaching or guidance during, or in the aftermath of a phone call. Perhaps it was an interview done over the phone and you would like an acquaintance with subject matter know-how to listen in to give you pointers. Or maybe you are asking someone on a date and feel the need to have a trusted friend chaperone your call to make sure you say the right things. When it’s necessary to cover your back, intercepting your own calls could be just the protection you need.