Pokemon Prism Hack Walkthrough : Free Programs

We have Hack games availables on Super Nintendo, Sega Genesis, Game Boy, NES, Master System. Platform RPG Mario Pokemon Crap Shoot 'em up AVGN. ROM hacking is the process of modifying a ROM image (usually of a video game) to alter the game's graphics, dialogue, levels, gameplay, and/or other elements.

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Pokemon Prism Part 1 BEST ROM HACK! Gameplay Walkthrough ( Pokemon Rom Hack )

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Hey what is a peer ozan welcome at a small pokemon prism alaska sewed we got the third gym badge and once we beat princess brooklyn her turd dog ran out the gym and joined our team which is pretty awesome so we go free turd aisle and we came to this cave which was previously blocked by this guy here who was saying like oh you need the bat should come in here and turns out he's organized his cave to look like a Magikarp because he loves by the cops also there's a guy blocking access to a new region which is the two nod region which I believe is the region of Pokemon guys which is awesome but this guy here wants to turn us into a Magikarp yeah you heard that right he wants to turns into a Magikarp so we can overcome a trial so the guy in the forest can move so we can gain access to the next town so let's um oh okay go talk to him.

All over again basically says that this place is like a Magikarp and you know magic covers a trueform and now we have to turn into a Magikarp so you know what I'll tell that fellow to move if you complete a small task for me have the ability to change you into a real magic card obviously I had everything I believed in but really I did not lie in that legendary form you'll get to experience what Magikarp around the world have to deal with daily that is navigating the rapids then maybe you won't think they are so weak also keep in mind that once the task begins I will not change you back until you fully complete the task do we have a deal all right okay good go. For it wow he actually changed me into a Magikarp oh my god we get to go round as a magic up this is nuts so how do I get to that we'll take me down there onto there and then that will get me to the pokeball okay let's grab that for Waterstones nice we're going to keep these because that would really come in handy that would take me back there so which way do I go feel like I need to go downward turn be back in a circle so let's go down here then down this way take me let's go up.

Here drink to the whirlpool what does the whirlpool take me oh here okay let's go into this whirlpool whoa okay this place is a lot bigger than I for anyway is down this is so awesome I had treat me to a magic car that's so nuts so that. Takes me down into that goes either way we're going get up or left really hold. Up the right way back here again so let's go up this time okay and then down texting to that which. We don't think we want to do let's go down this way oh that's the same one wasn't it okay so let's go back this way and then we're going to go into this one oh and then we.

Can get this mystic water give that to a total losses war type moves let's go. Down I honestly know where I'm going this is back here and get back to where I was alright so into this one takes us here.

Down that way brings us down to so confusing uh slow down I guess let's sit.

Back there you want to do that and back in here let's go straight down so I can Moo have you gone to that one to go into that one we want to go all. Where she got to that we can't go into that less NASA takes us down on that way.

Let's go this way oh oh okay.

Seems about right so that takes us up to there let's go down this way.

Isis back that place this means it's so confusing I go down.

No stakes me they're all gonna be here for a while so a stuck in here until we figure out this puzzle I fill up every into that one little bit they're like I go through this way again you'll see I feel like we have to go not this way oh.

Go down that little bit there with a sign up on the rocks I don't know how we get there let's go down here.

Where's Becca this is so confusing.

Are you coming get there.

All right so let's go down that takes me back into that one don't I don't hit that I need to go back the way I came which up here takes me to the place I've been and if we go down from here still. Takes me there don't go that way so don't go down from there left takes. Me same way so we need to go down from.

Here down takes me back up if a fare left so I want to go up that takes me. Still down and matter what there's only one way to go right here unless I went right I guess don't go like that okay.

So if I go down from here takes it back.

Here huh oh man right okay when we do is I am.

Going to have one will go with this and if I fail again I'm gonna just a move that way I'm gonna cut to when I get this done and sure the guys you guys are right way to go.





Yes we are finally done at that puzzle super difficult I recommend writing down where you go that would definitely help like which way you work which we didn't that's what I do to you some arrows and man that took so long what up its own different about you now you Peter have gained great respect for the many hardships of Pokemon you haven't got to go to magic carbs go for the rapids and whirlpools oh my god that was so difficult much like the natives of the now Joe do people who moved here from many lands solely use their Pokemon as mere tools may want to speak to the last remaining descendant of the messenger on route 80 P both share the same vision of life with Pokemon well done I give you my permission to go south of the laurel forest now teleport us outside the cave nice well that was a very difficult isn't it people in there site we're fully healed still which is great gonna lead off with Gatorade need to train them up a little bit bit weak from last and also buy some bulls so we can start walking towards the adoption after the riolu let's get like 15 pokeballs 5.

Great balls that will do I mean round here if you catch luck SEOs or teddy asses that's quite a lot of points about 40 41 42 and Sparrow no point catching a.

Sparrow because they would give you like no excel no points for the adoption but no of XP is always good right so we have to Laurel Forest which I believe is a through this gate yeah and there's a guy blocking the path around here Shroomish pretty sure got some decent points for Shroomish I'm gonna go and try and capture this and make a dream that's flying go for a nice Singh draining kiss cuz my HP back and then all you woke up that sucks Singh go back to sleep we will go for a nice poker ball nice. Into the box we can transfer that later on Oh is gone boom I've talked to him so the guy was blocking the path just up there and then we can go through this please battles and trainers wow so neat box to catch here and make our way to the next town oh I Butterfree is actually pretty strong right she's really strong 23 that's oh my view a little bit XP or a little bit trainer for next episode I think spooky face let's not learn there I think in that butter Frese number 23 I'm going to do a lot of training then there were 26 oh we have to so much training oh my god we have to get everyone to level like 26 27 oh okay.

Yanma oh it's going to wrap top of that. 25 so then I can catch a lot of people on the way as well that's good so probably next episode we can maybe have a riolu might not be trained because trainer is gonna be super hard I can survive the poison that's fine there we go and then a heal up that soon lead off of him can't switch train around here there too too powerful way too powerful see super potion oh yeah I don't get to keep all them items cuz that would be great I do nice let's give that to.

Gatorade next person the battle this.

Forest used to extend even further downwards until they started all the building work on that city oh there's like a big city where to go to next looking forward to that critical hit nice Mascarene we're good we're good rain dance that's not great for us one more flame wheel goodbye a Mascarene nice Paris try and capture this thing quick attack won't kill it but I get paralyzed that's great. Don't get many points for a Paris but like 20 and points or points right.

Oh Oh executed I wonder points great for that I'm assuming quite a bit like cut.

Okay let's go for a great ball no come. On there you go nothing and left to run all the way back to the adoption agency just to a minor one in here to get that riolu tour aeneas City so what we'll do is to explore this place and then when they split off because if there's a gym here I cannot take it definitely because we're doing a lot of training and he's bucking the PC yeah what up never luck with board games like the one in a patch EC Hall I always.

Die you die sounds cool why would the newest city get the magnet train want put that board game though last time I spoke to the gym leader he said he wished he could dream was a big deal about dreaming dreams scare me route 83 wasn't this one in Route 80 we need to speak to as well someone similar to us is the hall so we find that board game in a second what's down here city is going to be huge once expansion is done and we find a PP up all right not.

Bad not bad at all now the patchy.

Seaboard is so much fun actually quite a new pokemon there recently oh that leads out of the city don't go that way it's a mark there what's behind here Oh grab the berry that's probably a.

Gem right here yes the gym sniffing around the gym nope so we got a Edison.

Not taking on this episode way to show with them trains for like 25 26 living here at a time like this it's like being a part of history so most people in a boat on city not sure rude I click Pokemon do you have execute or trait for my drifloon okay arts in the box condo from the box where you'll get more points drifloon or I am execute for the adoption agency magnet it's like a train station here an item up there how do we get the item quit try and grab that then we'll go into a patch of C Hall oh all the way.

Around and gets us a wreck and EEE all right candy not bad not bad at all nice cut to this whole place board game but we can die oh wow ok you can actually really die welcome to the patch SC board cost 2000 to play want to give it a go I would love to give it a go but we don't have enough money if I might go sell some stuff because this board game looks really cool it's gonna do that it's gonna sell some money sell some money sell some stuff for some money and then we will take on the board game let's see.

Done so much I think I sell to my.

Potions no we've enough how do we play.

I'm sure he'll tell us this looks really fun okay 25 rolls left.

Okay roll the dice roll a one or great little 29 growl if or we I think we can capture this cuz all understand she caught Pokemon here so I mean if you guys want me use an arc 9 I am so down for some replacing crow larvae or an arc 9 just saying as Lord 29 that saves me some training nice nickname there I.

Always come on how can i this Jake because our kind looks like my old dog was called Jake all right let's roll again by all the finer money nice way.

Can it I like this game so it looks like we want a know what a 1 would give us but we do not want a 6 a 400 game is now.

Over Oh what no oh man I never have made him.

Don't know you keep that 500 oh man. That's fun look what got growlithe out their formation I might use that. Growlithe to be honest a deposit Natsu.

Withdraw Jake is holding an item please like a Firestone I doubt it will be but if it was it's holding a Aspen berry.

Flame will actually be fun to Fang take down all we have to keep down the team again i growl off' was super good nice well I'm gonna hear Nexus ode we will be trained up maybe have riolu if I can get enough points our team is looking at pretty nice I'm trying get everyone to live all uh I think them you'll be a good level it's gonna take a while to do that but that way we can take on the gym next episode and all that good stuff and maybe and have enough money can get some more money paid game again that board game was really fun just really expensive really really expensive any guys watching I see you guys next I'm have a great day peace.


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